Tuesday, November 26, 2019

sibling love.

I found this post from a few years ago that I never posted...talk about melt my heart. I have the sweetest little brothers and sisters.


Here recently Dylan noticed that I was feeling rather down and sad one day and he said to me, "I'll take you on a great long four wheeler ride" wanting to cheer me up, he knows me well. :)

Paige and I share a bedroom, we have a bunk bed; she sleeps on the top, I on the bottom. More often than not though she ends up down with me and we end up talking and laughing late into the night sometimes. I like those times. :)

Joshua has such a helpful attitude and also cracks us up a lot with the funny things he comes up with.

Levi, knowing I'm into fishing and hunting, will excitedly tell me any new thing he learns on those topics or will show me new neat things in hunting magazines. It is really cute.

Elias picks me lovely bouquets of wild flowers and before leaving on a big trip recently he said, "Ashley I'm gonna miss you because I can't live a day without you." Awww.

Caden draws and "writes" (has someone else write down what he wants to say) me pictures and letters. One I found recently said, "Here's a letter from me! I love you, Caden." :)

Rylan: "Ashley.."
Me: "What, honey?"
Rylan: "Well, umm I just really like you!... And I wanna be cowboys with you."
He's so adorable.

And Lilliana, my little look alike baby sister sweetens every day with her cheesy smiles, chubby armed hugs, and baby kisses. <3

I wanted to jot down a few ways that my family sweetens my life. Not too long ago I asked a girl how many brothers and sisters she had and she told me she had one brother, adding a "thank God no more", and rolling her eyes. I instantly thought of all of my brothers and how I couldn't wish any of them away. They are sweethearts. How dull and boring life would be without their smiles, made up jokes, giggles, and tales of their adventures exploring the woods and ravines. I'm so thankful for every single one of them.

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